There are some letters I haven't uploaded because they contained matter that was too personal. Hence there's sometimes a longer gap between letters here, at times, than was in fact the case.
I seem to have lost the letters that were sent after the 14th March 1970...there are only a couple of much later ones in the collection. Perhaps the others have been mixed up with other material.
Click on any line to go to the post.
First Two Letters from Home 4th Sept, 1968
3rd letter 6.9.68
4th and 5th letter 10.9.68
14.9.68 - managing to stay alive
15.9.68 - St Alban's and a second cousin
20.9.68 - Culture shock and shock of recognition
23.9.68 - the course starts
28.9.68 - washing and Wagner
30.9.68 - travels and travails
3.10.68 - students and subsidies
10.10.68 - concerts and operas
16.10.68 - my flatmate arrives
20.10.68 - The Magic Flute & a long walk home
27.10.68 - first performances and walking home...again
3.11.68 - operas, concerts and du Pre
10.11.68 - end of term, Wigmore, and Coventry Cathedral
17.11.68 - hijinks at the Opera Centre & the difficulties of flatting
25.11.68 - cold in the nose and a great concert
30.11.68 - oil heaters, actors and fog
7.12.68 - the big Christmas letter
21.12.68 - Double Bill and holidays
7.1.69 - first letter of 1969
16.1.69 - post-Christmas activities
19.1.69 - London Opera Centre tours to Southampton
27.1.69 - flat-hunting, Verdi and Schoenberg
28.1.69 - a new flat out of nowhere
5.2.69 - a bit of unnecessary gloom and doom
17.2.69 - nosebleeds, snow and Master Classes
late Feb, 69 - hectic schedule
March 69 - colds in the head and chest, and an exciting win
13.3.69 - Hamlet and Hertford
18.3.69 - finally feeling better
20.3.69 - some catch-up stuff
24.3.69 - chance meetings and kerfuffle at the flat
25.3.69 - various wanderings
31.3.69 - Double Bill and exhaustion
8.4.69 - Easter holiday in Westgate-on-Sea
14.4.69 - four letters in this is *very* long
25.4.69 - flatting and fudge
7.5.69 - busy week
12.5.69 - a birthday party and copying work
23.5.69 - birthday and mid-term shows
24.5.69 - Peter Grimes and others
9.6.69 - Hampton Court and Brighton Beach
13.6.69 - family kerfuffles, cake and flat-letting
22.6.69 - Berlioz, radio and TV
25.6.69 - the year begins to wind up
25.6.69 - Aussie composer and Alwin Nikolais
4.7.69 - visiting Ashford in Kent
8.7.69 - rehearsals and payments
11.7.69 - Chelmsford, trains, shifting
15.7.69 - changing flats
23.7.69 - the shortest letter
31.7.69 - new flat, end of year party, and movies
8.8.69 - holidaying in Hastings
7/8.8.69 - Alistair's wedding
9.8.69 - still in Hastings
12.8.69 - back in Hastings
16.8.69 - travel and some foot damage
18.8.69 - back in London
21.8.69 - Kevin leaves for NZ
26.8.69 - possibility of a job
4.9.69 - my new and not very salubrious career
12.9.69 - more about the job
16.9.69 - The Trojans
23.9.69 - first day in Edinburgh
Sept 69 - filming for TV in Edinburgh
3.10.69 - Trojans again, and more [Several letters sent during this period not included here.]
Early Nov, 69 - meals and a burglary
7.11.69 - an intruder, a concert, and working in Soho
8.11.69 - fight on a bus, and books from home
30.11.69 - Berlioz, haircuts, flatmates, family
1.12.69 - My Night at Maud's, and faith
4.12.69 - sending books from NZ
15.12.69 - shopping, family, operas, Catholicism
23.12.69 - clothes, Christmas shopping, and Ben-Hur in 70mm
30.12.69 - morose post-Christmas feelings
2.1.70 - discovering I'm a more selfish person than I thought
10.1.70 - a clothes-shopping spree!
18.1.70 - held up in the cinema, Catholicism and Topaz
27.1.70 - Irish citizen, socialising
28.1.70 - troubles at the Crowls', and looking at my future
30.1.70 - decision-making to the max
5.2.70 - more about the decision-making
7.2.70 - Tiny Alice, books and shoes
11.2.70 - new staff at work, bathroom leaks, and Lent
18.2.70 - a new job, starting immediately
24.2.70 - mostly about the new job
4.3.70 - new job, snow, life, women, fathers, etc
14.3.70 - an evening with Jerry