Max Allen was born on December 21 in Paraparaumu to Marie and Roy Allen, Margaret and Frank Irvine's second daughter, and her husband.
Margaret reports that: Max weighed 8lb 3ozs and is a great sleeper and eater.
Celia and I won a mystery trip that turned out to be to Wellington, and we went there a couple of weekends ago. While we were there we took the train out to Paraparaumu and caught up with my aunt. (I got a free ride, now being the owner of a Gold Card.)
We almost didn't see she as she'd gone out shopping with Frank, one of her son-in-laws (the husband of Margaret). However, just as we were leaving, thinking we'd missed her completely, she came round the corner in the car with Frank, and we went back to the house and spent some time with her, including looking at some old photos of the family. Some were familiar to me from another photo album of the period, but others were totally new.