I'm Kathleens' oldest daughter, I'm 23 and living in Wellington. I did a Bachelor of Science at Victoria, and I'm currently working in a recruitment company in Wellington. Last year I went to the states to do the Camp America program, and then travel around the states afterwards. I went all around the states and got to meet up with Peter [Peter Hannagan, Jack and Daphne's son] and Rachel in Washington DC which was cool. In my spare time I fence, and travel around the country a bit for that. I coach kids in fencing, and referee and things .
I got into fencing at school; we had a six week course for an elective type thing and I just went from there. There aren't many women fencing, it is quite a technical sport, and it seems that it suits men better than women. Also a kind of vicious circle, the fewer women we have fencing, the harder it is to get the new ones to stay. I'll be down in Dunedin for nationals in a fortnight.