I'm Mike's youngest and most loved son Dom. I'm currently "studying" history at Otago uni which pretty much consists of finding anything else to do but study. I enjoy writing cartoons, watching movies, jogging, playing strategy boardgames and generally playing the fool. I'm 23 and took a few years off after school to work and get some money saved up which enabled me to get through the first year and a half of uni fairly unscathed financially. I flat in Dunedin with some mates from church and go to Dunedin City Baptist Church religiously! My current plan for life is to finish my degree, become some sort of teacher and become a millionaire. My plan still has a few hitches but it's a work in progress. I'd love to hear more about my far flung relatives and hear about their life stories.... in condensed versions.
The photo is of Dom (on the right) with his great mate, Jon Beck, who, as you can see, has just been admitted to the bar after making what the judge said was the longest introductory speech he'd ever heard.