Saturday, November 03, 2012

Commendatory letter

This item was sent by A H McLintock on the occasion of Charles Hannagan's retirement.  It relates to McLintock's History of Otago volumes that Charles bound by hand.  The letter has the House of Representatives logo on it, perhaps because McLintock worked as the Parliamentary Historian at one period in his life.  


Dear Mr Hannagan,
     I have just heard that you have retired from C.S.W., [Coulls Somerville Wilkie, a major printing firm in Dunedin] after a long time of skilled service as craftsman.

     I should like to extend to you my v. best wishes for a long and happy retirement.  I still regard my 'de luxe' Otago volumes with special pride.  It is a triumph of craftsmanship.

     With every good wish,
     Yours sincerely,
     A H McLintock

The envelope shows that the letter took a bit of getting to its recipient.  It was originally addressed to Coulls, Somerville, Wilkie, Dunedin (nothing more!), then sent onto Stanley St (a handwritten: Try Stanley St, Mornington, W1 - the postie would be expected to know the number) and then onto the Ryan's home, where presumably Charles and Flora were holidaying at that time: c/o D N Ryan, P O Box 13, Ohura, King Country.